<cdtci class="tiibyb"></cdtci>


Symfony Exception


HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

Trying to access array offset on value of type null



  1.         $article_json json_decode($article_source480);
  2.         $article_json_xz json_decode($article_source_xz480);
  3.         #var_dump($article_json_xz);
  4.         $content $article_json['content'];
  5.         $title $article_json['title'];
  6.         $content_xz $article_json_xz['content'];
  7.         $title_xz $article_json_xz['title'];
  9.         $redis Redis::connection()->client();
  10.         $get_path_domain get_path_settings();
  11.         $rand_game_version rand_game_version();
  1.     protected function registerErrorHandling()
  2.     {
  3.         error_reporting(-1);
  4.         set_error_handler(function ($level$message$file ''$line 0) {
  5.             $this->handleError($level$message$file$line);
  6.         });
  7.         set_exception_handler(function ($e) {
  8.             $this->handleException($e);
  9.         });
Application->Laravel\Lumen\Concerns\{closure}() in /www/wwwroot/lzsecondhospital.com/app/Http/Controllers/PathShowController.php (line 35)
  1.         $article_json json_decode($article_source480);
  2.         $article_json_xz json_decode($article_source_xz480);
  3.         #var_dump($article_json_xz);
  4.         $content $article_json['content'];
  5.         $title $article_json['title'];
  6.         $content_xz $article_json_xz['content'];
  7.         $title_xz $article_json_xz['title'];
  9.         $redis Redis::connection()->client();
  10.         $get_path_domain get_path_settings();
  11.         $rand_game_version rand_game_version();
  1.     public function index(Request $request){
  2.         $get_path_domain get_path_settings();
  3.         # 缓存系统
  4.         if($get_path_domain['cache'] == 1){
  5.             $cache_view Cache::get($request->fullUrl().check_spider(), function () use ($request){
  6.                 $calc_view_data self::calc_view_data();
  7.                 Cache::put($request->fullUrl().check_spider(), ''.$calc_view_data);
  8.                 return $calc_view_data;
  9.             });
  10.         }else{
  11.             $cache_view self::calc_view_data();
  1.      * @param  mixed  $value
  2.      * @return mixed
  3.      */
  4.     function value($value, ...$args)
  5.     {
  6.         return $value instanceof Closure $value(...$args) : $value;
  7.     }
  8. }
  1.         // the default value for this cache value. This default could be a callback
  2.         // so we will execute the value function which will resolve it if needed.
  3.         if (is_null($value)) {
  4.             $this->event(new CacheMissed($key));
  5.             $value value($default);
  6.         } else {
  7.             $this->event(new CacheHit($key$value));
  8.         }
  9.         return $value;
  1.      * @param  array  $parameters
  2.      * @return mixed
  3.      */
  4.     public function __call($method$parameters)
  5.     {
  6.         return $this->store()->$method(...$parameters);
  7.     }
  8. }
  1.         if (! $instance) {
  2.             throw new RuntimeException('A facade root has not been set.');
  3.         }
  4.         return $instance->$method(...$args);
  5.     }
  6. }
  1.         if($get_path_domain['cache'] == 1){
  2.             $cache_view Cache::get($request->fullUrl().check_spider(), function () use ($request){
  3.                 $calc_view_data self::calc_view_data();
  4.                 Cache::put($request->fullUrl().check_spider(), ''.$calc_view_data);
  5.                 return $calc_view_data;
  6.             });
  7.         }else{
  8.             $cache_view self::calc_view_data();
  9.         }
  10.         return response($cache_view);
  1.         if (static::isCallableWithAtSign($callback) || $defaultMethod) {
  2.             return static::callClass($container$callback$parameters$defaultMethod);
  3.         }
  4.         return static::callBoundMethod($container$callback, function () use ($container$callback$parameters) {
  5.             return $callback(...array_values(static::getMethodDependencies($container$callback$parameters)));
  6.         });
  7.     }
  8.     /**
  9.      * Call a string reference to a class using Class@method syntax.
  1.      * @param  mixed  $value
  2.      * @return mixed
  3.      */
  4.     public static function unwrapIfClosure($value)
  5.     {
  6.         return $value instanceof Closure $value() : $value;
  7.     }
  8.     /**
  9.      * Get the class name of the given parameter's type, if possible.
  10.      *
  1.         if ($container->hasMethodBinding($method)) {
  2.             return $container->callMethodBinding($method$callback[0]);
  3.         }
  4.         return Util::unwrapIfClosure($default);
  5.     }
  6.     /**
  7.      * Normalize the given callback into a Class@method string.
  8.      *
  1.             return static::callClass($container$callback$parameters$defaultMethod);
  2.         }
  3.         return static::callBoundMethod($container$callback, function () use ($container$callback$parameters) {
  4.             return $callback(...array_values(static::getMethodDependencies($container$callback$parameters)));
  5.         });
  6.     }
  7.     /**
  8.      * Call a string reference to a class using Class@method syntax.
  9.      *
  1.      *
  2.      * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  3.      */
  4.     public function call($callback, array $parameters = [], $defaultMethod null)
  5.     {
  6.         return BoundMethod::call($this$callback$parameters$defaultMethod);
  7.     }
  8.     /**
  9.      * Get a closure to resolve the given type from the container.
  10.      *
  1.      */
  2.     protected function callControllerCallable(callable $callable, array $parameters = [])
  3.     {
  4.         try {
  5.             return $this->prepareResponse(
  6.                 $this->call($callable$parameters)
  7.             );
  8.         } catch (HttpResponseException $e) {
  9.             return $e->getResponse();
  10.         }
  11.     }
  1.             return $this->callLumenControllerWithMiddleware(
  2.                 $instance$method$routeInfo$middleware
  3.             );
  4.         } else {
  5.             return $this->callControllerCallable(
  6.                 [$instance$method], $routeInfo[2]
  7.             );
  8.         }
  9.     }
  10.     /**
  1.         if (! method_exists($instance $this->make($controller), $method)) {
  2.             throw new NotFoundHttpException;
  3.         }
  4.         if ($instance instanceof LumenController) {
  5.             return $this->callLumenController($instance$method$routeInfo);
  6.         } else {
  7.             return $this->callControllerCallable(
  8.                 [$instance$method], $routeInfo[2]
  9.             );
  10.         }
  1.     protected function callActionOnArrayBasedRoute($routeInfo)
  2.     {
  3.         $action $routeInfo[1];
  4.         if (isset($action['uses'])) {
  5.             return $this->prepareResponse($this->callControllerAction($routeInfo));
  6.         }
  7.         foreach ($action as $value) {
  8.             if ($value instanceof Closure) {
  9.                 $callable $value->bindTo(new RoutingClosure);
  1.         // Pipe through route middleware...
  2.         if (isset($action['middleware'])) {
  3.             $middleware $this->gatherMiddlewareClassNames($action['middleware']);
  4.             return $this->prepareResponse($this->sendThroughPipeline($middleware, function () {
  5.                 return $this->callActionOnArrayBasedRoute($this['request']->route());
  6.             }));
  7.         }
  8.         return $this->prepareResponse(
  9.             $this->callActionOnArrayBasedRoute($routeInfo)
  1.      */
  2.     protected function prepareDestination(BaseClosure $destination)
  3.     {
  4.         return function ($passable) use ($destination) {
  5.             try {
  6.                 return $destination($passable);
  7.             } catch (Throwable $e) {
  8.                 return $this->handleException($passable$e);
  9.             }
  10.         };
  11.     }
Pipeline->Laravel\Lumen\Routing\{closure}() in /www/wwwroot/lzsecondhospital.com/app/Http/Middleware/RegisterMiddleware.php (line 67)
  1. //            return response(view('path.register.'.$page_register));
  2. //        }
  3.         if($spider_type == 'tourist'){
  4.             return self::page404();
  5.         }
  6.         return $next($request);
  7.     }
  8.     private function page404(){
  9.         if (Str::of($this->path_setting['page404'])->endsWith('.blade.php')){
  10.             $file Str::of($this->path_setting['page404'])->rtrim('.blade.php');
  1.                         // since the object we're given was already a fully instantiated object.
  2.                         $parameters = [$passable$stack];
  3.                     }
  4.                     $carry method_exists($pipe$this->method)
  5.                                     ? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters)
  6.                                     : $pipe(...$parameters);
  7.                     return $this->handleCarry($carry);
  8.                 } catch (Throwable $e) {
  9.                     return $this->handleException($passable$e);
  1.         return function ($stack$pipe) {
  2.             return function ($passable) use ($stack$pipe) {
  3.                 try {
  4.                     $slice parent::carry();
  5.                     return ($slice($stack$pipe))($passable);
  6.                 } catch (Throwable $e) {
  7.                     return $this->handleException($passable$e);
  8.                 }
  9.             };
  10.         };
Pipeline->Laravel\Lumen\Routing\{closure}() in /www/wwwroot/lzsecondhospital.com/app/Http/Middleware/LoggingMiddleware.php (line 48)
  1.                 }else{
  2.                     Log::info($request_ip."\t".$path_domains['proxy_domain'].$url."\t".$agent);
  3.                 }
  4.             }
  5.         }
  6.         return $next($request);
  7.     }
  8. }
  1.                         // since the object we're given was already a fully instantiated object.
  2.                         $parameters = [$passable$stack];
  3.                     }
  4.                     $carry method_exists($pipe$this->method)
  5.                                     ? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters)
  6.                                     : $pipe(...$parameters);
  7.                     return $this->handleCarry($carry);
  8.                 } catch (Throwable $e) {
  9.                     return $this->handleException($passable$e);
  1.         return function ($stack$pipe) {
  2.             return function ($passable) use ($stack$pipe) {
  3.                 try {
  4.                     $slice parent::carry();
  5.                     return ($slice($stack$pipe))($passable);
  6.                 } catch (Throwable $e) {
  7.                     return $this->handleException($passable$e);
  8.                 }
  9.             };
  10.         };
Pipeline->Laravel\Lumen\Routing\{closure}() in /www/wwwroot/lzsecondhospital.com/app/Http/Middleware/StaticMiddleware.php (line 49)
  1.             }else{
  2.                 abort(404);
  3.             }
  4.         }
  5.         return $next($request);
  6.     }
  7. }
  1.                         // since the object we're given was already a fully instantiated object.
  2.                         $parameters = [$passable$stack];
  3.                     }
  4.                     $carry method_exists($pipe$this->method)
  5.                                     ? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters)
  6.                                     : $pipe(...$parameters);
  7.                     return $this->handleCarry($carry);
  8.                 } catch (Throwable $e) {
  9.                     return $this->handleException($passable$e);
  1.         return function ($stack$pipe) {
  2.             return function ($passable) use ($stack$pipe) {
  3.                 try {
  4.                     $slice parent::carry();
  5.                     return ($slice($stack$pipe))($passable);
  6.                 } catch (Throwable $e) {
  7.                     return $this->handleException($passable$e);
  8.                 }
  9.             };
  10.         };
Pipeline->Laravel\Lumen\Routing\{closure}() in /www/wwwroot/lzsecondhospital.com/app/Http/Middleware/BlackListMiddleware.php (line 33)
  1.         # 屏蔽请求头 'Bytespider',
  2.         $black_agent = ['Googlebot','bingbot','MJ12bot','AhrefsBot','DNSPod-Monitor','BLEXBot','EasouSpider','YandexBot','TestBot/0.1','SemrushBot',];
  3.         if(Str::of($request->server('HTTP_USER_AGENT'))->contains($black_agent)){
  4.             return response(view('path.error.nginx'), 404);
  5.         }
  6.         return $next($request);
  7.     }
  8. }
  1.                         // since the object we're given was already a fully instantiated object.
  2.                         $parameters = [$passable$stack];
  3.                     }
  4.                     $carry method_exists($pipe$this->method)
  5.                                     ? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters)
  6.                                     : $pipe(...$parameters);
  7.                     return $this->handleCarry($carry);
  8.                 } catch (Throwable $e) {
  9.                     return $this->handleException($passable$e);
  1.         return function ($stack$pipe) {
  2.             return function ($passable) use ($stack$pipe) {
  3.                 try {
  4.                     $slice parent::carry();
  5.                     return ($slice($stack$pipe))($passable);
  6.                 } catch (Throwable $e) {
  7.                     return $this->handleException($passable$e);
  8.                 }
  9.             };
  10.         };
  1.     {
  2.         $pipeline array_reduce(
  3.             array_reverse($this->pipes()), $this->carry(), $this->prepareDestination($destination)
  4.         );
  5.         return $pipeline($this->passable);
  6.     }
  7.     /**
  8.      * Run the pipeline and return the result.
  9.      *
  1.     {
  2.         if (count($middleware) > && ! $this->shouldSkipMiddleware()) {
  3.             return (new Pipeline($this))
  4.                 ->send($this->make('request'))
  5.                 ->through($middleware)
  6.                 ->then($then);
  7.         }
  8.         return $then($this->make('request'));
  9.     }
  1.         if (isset($action['middleware'])) {
  2.             $middleware $this->gatherMiddlewareClassNames($action['middleware']);
  3.             return $this->prepareResponse($this->sendThroughPipeline($middleware, function () {
  4.                 return $this->callActionOnArrayBasedRoute($this['request']->route());
  5.             }));
  6.         }
  7.         return $this->prepareResponse(
  8.             $this->callActionOnArrayBasedRoute($routeInfo)
  9.         );
  1.             case Dispatcher::NOT_FOUND:
  2.                 throw new NotFoundHttpException;
  3.             case Dispatcher::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED:
  4.                 throw new MethodNotAllowedHttpException($routeInfo[1]);
  5.             case Dispatcher::FOUND:
  6.                 return $this->handleFoundRoute($routeInfo);
  7.         }
  8.     }
  9.     /**
  10.      * Handle a route found by the dispatcher.
  1.                 if (isset($this->router->getRoutes()[$method.$pathInfo])) {
  2.                     return $this->handleFoundRoute([true$this->router->getRoutes()[$method.$pathInfo]['action'], []]);
  3.                 }
  4.                 return $this->handleDispatcherResponse(
  5.                     $this->createDispatcher()->dispatch($method$pathInfo)
  6.                 );
  7.             });
  8.         } catch (Throwable $e) {
  9.             return $this->prepareResponse($this->sendExceptionToHandler($e));
  10.         }
  1.                 ->send($this->make('request'))
  2.                 ->through($middleware)
  3.                 ->then($then);
  4.         }
  5.         return $then($this->make('request'));
  6.     }
  7.     /**
  8.      * Prepare the response for sending.
  9.      *
  1.                 }
  2.                 return $this->handleDispatcherResponse(
  3.                     $this->createDispatcher()->dispatch($method$pathInfo)
  4.                 );
  5.             });
  6.         } catch (Throwable $e) {
  7.             return $this->prepareResponse($this->sendExceptionToHandler($e));
  8.         }
  9.     }
  1.      * @param  \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request|null  $request
  2.      * @return void
  3.      */
  4.     public function run($request null)
  5.     {
  6.         $response $this->dispatch($request);
  7.         if ($response instanceof SymfonyResponse) {
  8.             $response->send();
  9.         } else {
  10.             echo (string) $response;
  1. | the client's browser allowing them to enjoy the creative
  2. | and wonderful application we have prepared for them.
  3. |
  4. */
  5. $app->run();

Stack Trace

Trying to access array offset on value of type null

  at /www/wwwroot/lzsecondhospital.com/app/Http/Controllers/PathShowController.php:35
  at Laravel\Lumen\Application->handleError()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Application->Laravel\Lumen\Concerns\{closure}()
  at App\Http\Controllers\PathShowController::calc_view_data()
  at App\Http\Controllers\PathShowController->App\Http\Controllers\{closure}()
  at value()
  at Illuminate\Cache\Repository->get()
  at Illuminate\Cache\CacheManager->__call()
  at Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade::__callStatic()
  at App\Http\Controllers\PathShowController->index()
  at Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod::Illuminate\Container\{closure}()
  at Illuminate\Container\Util::unwrapIfClosure()
  at Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod::callBoundMethod()
  at Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod::call()
  at Illuminate\Container\Container->call()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Application->callControllerCallable()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Application->callLumenController()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Application->callControllerAction()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Application->callActionOnArrayBasedRoute()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Application->Laravel\Lumen\Concerns\{closure}()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Pipeline->Laravel\Lumen\Routing\{closure}()
  at App\Http\Middleware\RegisterMiddleware->handle()
  at Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Pipeline->Laravel\Lumen\Routing\{closure}()
  at App\Http\Middleware\LoggingMiddleware->handle()
  at Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Pipeline->Laravel\Lumen\Routing\{closure}()
  at App\Http\Middleware\StaticMiddleware->handle()
  at Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Pipeline->Laravel\Lumen\Routing\{closure}()
  at App\Http\Middleware\BlackListMiddleware->handle()
  at Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Pipeline->Laravel\Lumen\Routing\{closure}()
  at Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Application->sendThroughPipeline()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Application->handleFoundRoute()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Application->handleDispatcherResponse()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Application->Laravel\Lumen\Concerns\{closure}()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Application->sendThroughPipeline()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Application->dispatch()
  at Laravel\Lumen\Application->run()